every night (or day)

one of them will be here... tonight she drives him into a corner with her silent avoidance... she knows what she does even though she pretends not to and he does not find the words that force her to admit it, so she sleeps awake in her passive aggressive delusions of wellness... but she takes the pills the doctor prescribes at her request and she accepts the limits her diagnosis places on her mostly because it is easier than changing her self-destructive habits and truly accepting full responsibility for herself... depending on him is so much easier and he is such a generous innocent, he cringes at the slightest hint of her pain and does his best to be silent about how much it hurts him and she accepts the pretence of ignorance, playing right along... she may be stronger than she appears, but she does not want to let it show because then he might go away and that is what she fears most, at least for now... but everybody must go some time...