
Using confusion to affect literary freedom, this life in words uses many affects to respect the privacy of the real people who inspire it. Identifying attributes of the language are edited to present the emotion and meaning while confusing the identities of recurring characters. For instance, he and she are often exchanged for each other or even interposed in collusion with the intent to maintain anonymity to eliminate restrictions of topic or language. The hope is this will permit the freedom to express anything without hurting anyone while simultaneously giving a reader the freedom to experience the emotion in the words without feeling any personal violation of privacy. Use it to experience or grow or let go. Move along as you wish. It is important to not personalize anything you read here for it may be about you, but then again, it may be about someone you've never met who simply had a very similar experience to yours. See the pages linked at the top for more information about this blog and the people you are reading about. Thanks.