respectful release

we protect each other's privacy because we care about what others think and we do not want others to know our flaws and foibles and foolish follies, but we have this blogspace in which to release the joys and frustrations we face living with each other (especially the frustrations, which are much better released into words left here than carried around until they turn to anger or worse, for that method of repressing frustration only leads to sadness or illness or worse negativities... she knows that, she teaches that to her patients every day... and he knows that, he teaches it to his staff and clients every day as well... the trick is to find the way of releasing frustration that works for the individual and can be accepted by the others who are part of the frustration, to express in real terms while respecting the good intentions and privacy of everyone involved... if we accomplish that here, then we can find mutual peace and respect and cohabitation in this life we loosely cal ours... and that is the primary purpose of this life i loosely call mine, the blog, the life, the concept, the continuing writings... the respectful release of frustration is an essential ingredient in a sustained and healthy relationship of any kind... and he wonders if she feels the same... it's worked for him for a lifetime, so even if it does not work for her, he hopes she at least tries it... and he wonders if she wonders why he must put words on the web... and he wonders why she doesn't try it herself... and he hopes that someday soon, she will...