she sleeps, he eats

he was never one who could sleep and ignore something that is wrong... he knows the song and he just can't (as in refuse to, will not, no way, not him) ignore someone close by in pain, especially not an innocent... she is an innocent, somehow so deeply scarred she's too scared to go near what has sucked her into her whirlpool of anxiety that threatens to pull her under and drown here anytime life gets too real... she feels like such a failure, so unstable, so out of control... she takes her pills when she gets too afraid... her pills help her calm down... her pills let her sleep... her pills cloud her mind so the fear doesn't get too real and eat her alive... his empathy has him trapped with her feeling her agony even more than she does at times for he does not drug himself too often and his drugs are sugar and caffeine and foods, not the psychotropics she depends on... he sadly watches her become more dependent on more drugs every week... she avoids his gaze in so many ways, some hurt deeply, some blame him for knowing, some deny and dispute his clarity, negating his existence as she negates her own... he makes another bowl of pasta, heavy with cream or cheese sauce... and ketchup... and chocolate milk... she takes another pill and falls asleep...