it fucking hurts

day after day he watches the same pattern... denial... avoidance of responsibility... pretending... and he's supposed to go along with it... don't mention the fact that he doesn't feel safe in his own home... don't mention the fact that she stole thousands of dollars from him and there's not even been a discussion of where the money went... don't mention the fact that she pays none of the bills month after month and it has been going on for years... don't mention the fact that it fucking hurts to live in denial... did she go to her DA meeting this week... he doesn't know... does she discuss the fact that she has been sneaking into his room to steal money for many months with her therapist?... he doesn't know... is she taking even one of the twelve steps any day?... he doesn't know... she cries and returns to denial... and brushes him off and goes to sleep and he tries to let it go and sleep, but he does not sleep well knowing and his mind does not have the off switch hers seems to have... he sleeps with his wallet and banking information in a belt around his waist and it is uncomfortable and he sleeps poorly... maybe she is hoping the stress will kill him so she can have all his money... that is the path they are on by her choices... and his choice to continue supporting her may be suicide... and it fucking hurts to know this... it fucking hurts...