he buys love

the old saying, and song, about money not being able to buy love, well, it's just not true... he has been buying love his whole life, it's the only way he's been able to sustain a relationship... he adopts people, grown people, who have not figured out how to take care of themselves... people who need his money... and while he tries not to enable their helplessness and dependency, it is challenging because so many people are so co-dependent... and in some ways, he is too... that is why he pays their way... and they do love him for his generosity... he asks for little more than appreciation... so alone... he never had family, not really... he was left at the hospital and adopted and watched the grown people around him go away... the ones who stayed were so focused on money that he learned that money mattered more than anything... and he resisted and thought he knew better so he does not see them anymore because he rejected their materialistic gods and yet, he buys people by giving them a place to live and by feeding them and by paying for things they need... maybe he doesn't know how to give anything else... maybe there is nothing else to give... somewhere deep inside, he longs for someone to show him another way...